Barbara from Harlem

May 10, 20211 min

"I am somebody"

Embedded above is a link to Rev. Jesse Jackson's famous "I Am Somebody" speech from decades ago. I remember hearing and embracing it. But, let us break down this great slogan by Rev. Jesse Jackson.

If he (and other leaders of the black community) believed in this slogan, then why doesn't Jesse Jackson speak out against black-on-black crime?

Why is "Reverend" Jackson silent when it comes to the disproportionate number of black women who have had abortions? There are estimates that as many as approximately 30 million black babies have been killed due to abortion since 1973.

What is the point of trying to inspire black people with "I Am Somebody", when the leaders in the community are not working to keep our communities safe and productive, which includes school choice?

There is no value in telling our children that they are somebody, when we are silent about fatherless homes; the abortion-on-demand pushed by Democrats; the poor quality of public schools; and the number of innocent black children killed in shootings.

"I Am Somebody" is a great motivational slogan, but it is hollow when it is not followed by meaningful action to ensure that our children are growing up in healthy, productive, disciplined, and loving environments.
