Barbara from Harlem

Jan 18, 20231 min

Honoring MLK's Legacy

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s legacy was not perfect, but he was chosen by God to help move America forward, in order to be the country that it was meant to be.

We are grateful to Dr. King for his hard work and sacrifice to get this nation to live up to its promise, as outlined, in part, in the "Declaration of Independence."

Black conservatives and patriots like me and others will continue to work hard on Dr. King's vision and legacy, which, in part, is capture in his "I have a Dream" speech, in which he wanted his children to be judged by the content of their character, and not by the color of their skin.

Let us work together to make this country better and stronger, regardless of our race, ethnicity, and background.

Finally, let us honor Dr. King's legacy by serving God and our fellow man.
