Barbara from Harlem

Mar 26, 20201 min

Coronavirus 2019 & the NOvember Elections

We should all be using commonsense in combating this virus, such as washing our hands frequently; being careful when touching public surfaces; and covering our mouths when we sneeze and cough. In fact, we should have been doing these things all along, even for the common flu, which has killed more Americans than the Coronavirus/COVID-19/ChinaVirus.

By the way, it is not racist to say "ChinaVirus" because it originated in Wuhan, China. Where were all the race censors when we said "West Nile Virus" or "Middle East Respiratory Syndrome" (MERS), which occurred during the Obama Administration? We did not say that those terms were racist.

Finally, if the Democrats/Media/Left in general think that we are going to turn away from President Trump to support them, because of the economic damage the virus is causing, then they have got another thing coming. If anything, based on the Democrats' evil behavior during this crisis, this makes us want to support President Trump even more, because we simply cannot trust the Democrats. I believe that they want to make us suffer, in order to hurt Trump, so some Democrat-controlled cities and states are going to extremes, and infringing on our liberties and freedoms. They must understand that Tuesday, November 3rd, will be a day of reckoning for the Democrats. We will not forget the hell that they have put us through. However, we will emerge from this crisis stronger and greater than ever. Take care and God bless!
