Barbara from Harlem

Jul 12, 20202 min

#ALL LIves Matter

At this point, after all that has been said (and proven) about the organization known as "Black Lives Matter" (BLM), it should be clear that this is NOT a civil-rights organization. They are not interested in helping blacks or saving black lives. This is not their mission. They want to destroy the American system (with Judeo-Christian values and capitalism) and replace it with Marxism (God forbid). Furthermore, BLM rioters have caused chaos, destroyed property (including black-owned businesses), pulled down statues, attacked innocent people, and killed blacks, including innocent children. (Justice for George Floyd was a ruse. It was never about seeking justice for him. They don't even mention his name anymore.)

Do you ever wonder why BLM is silent when it comes to the fact that millions of black babies have been slaughtered by Planned Parenthood? Or why they do not speak out against the high rate of black-on-black crime? It's because they are not interested. Their interests lie in promoting Marxism and financing the Democratic Party. If you thought that the money you have donated to BLM actually helps black people, then please think again, because it doesn't.

Furthermore, the plain truth is, if you believe in loving humanity, then you should know that
ALL lives matter. Black lives are not superior to White, Asian, Hispanic, or any other lives. In fact, if you call yourself a Christian, you should know that God is not a respecter or persons (See Acts 10:34). It is NOT racist at all to say "All lives Matter." It is humane. Black supremacy is just as damaging and deadly as White Supremacy. So,the "Black Lives Matter" movement is not one that decent people should support at all. Remember: All lives matter.
