Barbara from Harlem

May 24, 20212 min

A prayer for you

Monday is here again. It's the start of a brand-new week. However, for some of us, Mondays bring a sense of dread and depression because many of us have to go back to jobs we don't like and deal with difficult bosses or co-workers. And, some of us have to hit the road again, and we will not see our families until the weekend. I understand, because I have been there. Nevertheless, I have a word for those of us who may not look forward to Monday mornings.

  • If you woke up in your mind, you are blessed. (The fact that you woke up is a blessing.);

  • If you have children and they are healthy, you are blessed;

  • If you have a roof over your head and food in the refrigerator, you are blessed;

  • If you have decent shoes on your feet and clothes on your back, you are blessed;

  • If you have access to clean water (millions in third world countries don't), you are blessed;

  • If you can read the Holy Bible freely, you are blessed. (If you can read, period, you are blessed);

  • And, if you have a job (small or big; difficult or not), you are blessed.

You have the power to choose to either be negative or positive. And, trust me, being negative does not solve any situation you are going through. Getting depressed is human, but we should never allow ourselves to stay there. Look for the silver lining in every situation: Maybe the difficult co-worker or boss is being used by God to teach you patience and how to navigate when you are dealing with certain types of people, because He is preparing you for a greater task.

I pray for God's blessing on your life today. If you would like prayer for any situation you are going through today, please contact Barbara from Harlem or Bebe Diamond via e-mail through this site with your prayer request, and we will pray for you. God bless.

Psalm 46:10: "Be still, and know that I am God:..."
